The International Order of the Blue Gavel Auxiliary

Where Would We Be Without Them?

Everyone jokes about Past Presidents being “has-beens”, but really, where would we be without them, without our leaders? The ladies whose names appear below, stepped up to the plate and took charge, offering to share their skills, leadership, friendship and above all, their time.  They are recognized for their efforts and are very appreciated.

Also appreciated, are all of the other Officers both Internationally and in the Districts, who give so selflessly of their time.
If you would like to join their ranks, contact your President or Board Member. Let them know you’d like to help.


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Gary Smith 

Robin Vadaj

The IOBG Auxiliary was formed in the late 1980's by the Past Commodores' spouses and has over 400 members in three countries. We strive to preserve the traditions, customs and ethics of yachting so that they will not be lost to those yet to come.


Chapter Info

Past presidents


Policy Manual

Home Page


The International Order of the Blue Gavel was founded by Ev Henry, Commodore of the Rainier Yacht Club, Seattle Washington, in 1953. It is comprised of Past Commodores, with over 1,700 members in many countries. The IOBG Auxiliary was formed in the late 1980’s by the Past Commodores’ spouses and has over 400 members in three countries. We strive to preserve the traditions, customs and ethics of yachting so that they will not be lost to those yet to come. We meet locally, regionally, nationally and intemationally in the true spirit of camaraderie, enhanced by our common bond of being spouses of Past Commodores. Please read our membership requirements, and contact us for further information or to join. We invite you to join us — the cost is minimal and the enjoyment great.

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